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Assign Log

The Assign Log displays the log records of automated assignments that have been performed.

Assign Log interpret

Log Time:Logging time.

Issue Created:Issue creation time.

Auto Assign:SUCCESS or FAIL to indicate whether the automated assignment was successful.

Is Whitelist Customer:true or false, indicates whether the client is in the whitelist.

From Which System:Indicates the customer source representation, which is currently fixed to Cloud.

Issue:Issue Key。

Severity:Issue Prioritization.

Customer:Customer account.

Customer Time Zone:Customer time zone ID.

Assignee:Automated calculation of assigned operators.

Assign From Group:The automation calculates which group the assigned operator is from.

Assigned Position:The automation calculates the position of the assigned operator in the group to which he or she belongs.

Special Group Assign:Yes or No. The automation calculates whether the assigned operator is a member of a special group.

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